Playlist the best songs by Akon

Maiores e Melhores Sucessos de música do Akon

Do you like Akon? I've put together a playlist with the best Akon songs of all time.

Nos anos 2000 não teve um artista que teve um impacto tão grande quanto Akon. Com seus vocais suaves, batidas contagiantes e letras cativantes, Akon se tornou um nome conhecido na indústria musical com vários hits e participações com diversos artistas da música.

On this page, we’ll take a look at some of the best songs from Akon’s extensive discography and put together the ultimate Akon playlist that will have you singing and dancing along. Akon has got you covered. Turn up the volume and enjoy the smooth, soulful sounds of Akon’s music.

I will list mine TOP 10 SONGS and I will also leave my Spotify playlist for you to hear and sing, on playback!

TOP 10 Best Akon Songs

  1. “Smack That” ft. Eminem
  2. “Don’t Matter”
  3. “I Wanna Love You” ft. Snoop Dogg
  4. “Locked Up”
  5. “Lonely”
  6. “Right Now (Na Na Na)”
  7. “Sorry, Blame It On Me”
  8. “Dangerous” ft. Kardinal Offishall
  9. “Beautiful” ft. Colby O’Donis, Kardinal Offishall
  10. “Soul Survivor” ft. Young Jeezy

Listen to Akon's best songs on Spotify here

Want to learn how to make a playlist like this? See this post.